Brotherhood and the Flash Family

DSC_0214Yes, we are an AAU basketball program. Yes, we love to win. Yes, we enjoy competing at the highest level we can in any given event.

But at the same time, we also take pride in family, togetherness, skill-development and memory making.

That was on display big-time this past weekend in Port Allen.

During Championship Sunday, our 7th grade boys were in a double-overtime dogfight. Playing in a gym more than 100 miles away and with a fairly early opening tip time, our kids had every excuse laid out perfectly to fall short.

But they didn’t, thanks, in part, to the Flash Family.

While the battle waged on, parents from all our teams painted the gym orange, giving it a home-game feel for our kids.

Our 3rd grade team stood along the first row (pictured) and rooted on their older brothers’ every move.

We won the game and moved on to the Finals.

But it was more than that. A brotherhood and a bond was formed.

The Flash Family struck again, and it was awesome to see!

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