
10260004_502404503196878_3077112434367948154_nThe South Lafourche Flash is an AAU basketball program based out of Lafourche Parish in southern Louisiana.

Founded by Damien St. Pierre, the Flash started in 2014 with 7th and 8th grade squads.

Since that time, the organization has grown and now features 3rd-5th grade boys teams and 7th grade girls team.

The purpose of the Flash is two-fold.

First, our program aims to give basketball players in the Bayou Region an opportunity to hone their schools 365 days out of the year – a luxury that has not always been available to our community.

Secondly, we take pride in being very structured and fundamentally based. We focus heavily on teaching young men and women the proper way to play the game. We gear our instruction heavily on techniques with the idea that by teaching young men and women the proper way to play, they will be equipped to have success in the future.

Our recipe works.

Several members of the young Flash family have now gone on and have earned accolades at the prep level.

That’s a trend that we take pride in and hope to see continue into the future.


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